Illustration Workshops at SPNHC
For the past 4 years, I have been running an Intro to Scientific Illustration Workshop at the annual Society for the Preservation of Natural History conference. From the Field Museum in Chicago to the University of Edinburgh, the workshops have been a massive hit and a way to continue to bring art into the world of science and museums! This year’s conference was hosted in San Francisco (at the end of May) so of course the workshop got to happen at the California Academy of Sciences! Attendees learned drawing skills as well as basic pen & ink and watercolor techniques, all while practicing observational drawing skills using real museum specimens!
Next year’s conference will be hosted in Japan and I don’t know that I’ll be able to make the long journey, but I hope to continue to run similar workshops in the future! Thank you immensely to El Sorojsrisom for pushing for the first workshop to happen back in 2019 and for being the best co-teacher!
Photos from workshops run at previous SPNHC conferences: 2022 in Edinburgh, Scotland and 2019 In Chicago, Illinois.